Oct 03, 2017 Stefano 0 comments


You can add a video on demand, live or shedule to an external website or blog by embedding it, using the iframe code.

When you publish the iframe of a video on demand, live or shedule, you can customize some parameters of the video player by adding the following properties at the end of the source url:


  • &autostart=true : Video autoplay
  • &hideLogo=true : Hide the Web TV logo
  • &fixedLogo=true : Show the Web TV logo
  • &disableShare=true : Hide share button
  • &hideSidebar=true : Hide the button that shows the sidebar with the programming of the WimCast schedule
  • &bigLogo=true : enlarge the logo on the player


In this example, iframe was set with autoplay active:

<div style="position: relative; width:100%; display:inline-block;"><iframe src="https://www.wim.tv/embed/?vod=8f13d06d-708b-4f51-b2d3-0b82f632c22b&autostart=true" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay" style="border:none; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;"></iframe><div style="padding-top:56.25%;"></div></div>

You can use all strings as in this example and also use more than one in the same iframe

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Mar 10, 2017 Stefano 0 comments


WimBridge WimTV is the service that lets you create video bridgets, i.e. videos that the end user can "navigate" moving from the main video to related multimedia content.

Wimbridge>Create navigable / interactive videos

In the home section you see the video bridgets you've already created.
In the video section you see the videos of your WimBox repository that you can import into WimBridge
In the images section you see the images you've uploaded and that you can use to create video bridgets

Create your first video bridget

Importing videos

First of all import from your WimBox the videos that you will use to create your video bridget

  • Go to the "Video" section
  • Click on a video in the left column to move it into WimBridge
  • With the Edit button you can edit the metadata of your video while with the delete key you can remove it from WimBridge

Uploading images

Before you start creating your video bridget you should upload the images you want to use

  • Go to the "images" section
  • Click on the add button at the top right
  • Enter the title, description and tags
  • Select the button "Choose image"
  • Select the image you want to upload
  • Select the button "Upload picture
  • Repeat for all the images you wish to use

Creating video bridgets

  • Choose the video you want to make interactive in the right column of the "Home" section
  • Click the "bridget editor" button
  • Click on the "Add" button to add your first bridget
  • Select the time interval during which you want the bridget to be visible. (Subsequently, the bridget can be viewed by clicking the icon in the shape of an eye on the player). To do so you have three tools:
    • Use the shot identified by the system through the " Previous shot " and "Next shot" buttons
    • Drag the yellow triangle icons present on the player bar
    • Manually enter the "start" and "end" time the bridget is displayed
  • Enter the title, description, and tags of your bridget
  • Select a thumbnail that will appear as the button that allows you to open the bridget
  • Select the type of layout
    • Video: the bridget will contain video content
    • Image: the bridget will contain an image
    • Left slide: the bridget displays a slide on the left side of the video
    • Right or slide: the bridget displays a slide on the right side ot the video
  • When you are done select the button "Save bridget"

Now you've created your first video bridget. To preview the video bridget click on "preview"

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Feb 15, 2017 Stefano 0 comments


WimBundle is the WimTV service that allows you to create one or more video subscriptions with customisable duration and price.

Creating a subscription

  • Click on the "New Subscription" button
  • Enter name and description
  • Set price and duration in days, months or years
  • Save and Create your subscription

Insertion of video in subscription

  • Click on the video in the "WimBox Videos" section to insert them in your subscription
  • To remove a video inserted into your subscription click on the thumbnail
  • When you are done click on the save button at the top

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Oct 12, 2015 Stefano 0 comments


The WimCast section concerns the creation of TV-style scheduled programs composed of on demand videos. By creating a schedule you can be stream 24h / 24h and copy the schedule to other days.


WimCast > Create schedule

  • Click on the "Create a new program schedule" button
  • Enter a name and description
  • Insert the thumbnail of your schedule (optional)

Click on the "Save" button



WimCast > Manage Your schedule

  • Click on the "Manage schedule" button to access your monthly schedule
  • To access a single day click edit icon in the upper left (Days on red background correspond to days with content inside)
  • Copy schedule
  • Select one day to be copied
  • Click on the "Copy" button
  • Select one or more days where you want to replicate the schedule
  • Click on the "Paste" button
  • Delete schedule
  • Select one or more days to be deleted

Click on the "Delete" button


WimCast > Insert video on demand

  • Drag the videos in your WimBox repository into the timeline
  • You can move them inside the programming by dragging them to the desired position
  •  To delete a video click on the corresponding red icon



WimCast > Automatic entry

  • You can automatically insert videos in the schedule
  • Access the automatic filler by clicking on the "fill in automatically" button
  • Select the time you want to fill
  • Select the number of videos to be used. The videos are placed in order of loading on the platform starting from the most recent
  • Enter any filters that will be used in the selection of videos (title, description, tags)
  • Click on the button to start filler



You can see your schedule right on your public WimTV page or you can publish it on your web page using its iframe (the code shown in the upper right next to the button "Watch the schedule").

WimCast > Player

  • The Player can view the daily schedule thanks to a side bar that can be activated by clicking on the relevant button located at the bottom right
  • The program list is displayed with the thumbnail, the video title and the start time of the program



WimCast > Countdown

  • If a video is scheduled to stream, a countdown will automatically appear until the scheduled start time


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